Tuesday, 18 December 2018

ALPHA - Game finished!!!!

So this 4 month journey has come to an end. This project and game frustrated me but it had it's moments. I'd like to explore Unity and other game engines abit more especially with tower defense because with the backing of a good story it can be a little bit more interesting. Not everything turned out the way it  did for me for this project but hopefully I'll experiment with it a little more in the future. 

I had major difficulties that I wanted to face on my own with 3d modelling of my characters. I attempted to do Unity and 3DSMAX but I couldn't design my characters and there wasn't any tutorials or help available because nobody has done characters for a game like this before. The characters were germs and were transparent to see the interior design also but I just couldn't get it to work and worked on it for weeks and didn't happen and I began to run out of time and decided to use the tutorial models of which I was following on Youtube to complete the project so I couldn't add my storyline because it was too difficult for me. I liked and hated this game but experience is experience and I'd like to devel into Unity a bit more but not on my own. I'd like to be part of group next time around and truly make something special with more time it would be fantastic to see the results of that. 

I love the blogging part of this journey, it was a nice change of platform to spread your content on for viewers and to get feedback on the go. I'd like to see this implemented in the future and definitely return for another project.  Besides the modelling nothing else was really an issue, the navigation of Unity was fine and the coding just like Website Design it's just time consuming to get it right. I'm just not happy with myself about this game, I would have preferred more time to think and possibly go another route with the big mishap with the modelling but that was my fault for prioritizing other stuff also leaving me with less time. 

Multimedia Development had it's moments and I wished it turned out better for me but I move on. 

Thank you for reading and being apart of my journey. 

Tuesday, 4 December 2018

Game Testing


My thoughts about this subject have always been broad. I haven't came across a situation where I gained massive amounts of feedback on something I created but rather small sections of it which helped but not in any significance enough where it was necessary to keep.

I suppose it would come differently creating a game nonetheless, especially big company games because it affects all aspects of how you present that game. Your revenue, future business deals, loss of players etc.... they are effected based on reviews of your content in the market today. Redemption isn't handed out easy in present day, As seen with massive games like "Star Wars Battlefront 2" and very recently "Fallout 76". Two games which produced poorly executed final products resulting in devastating effects.

Battlefront 2 problem

Basicially the company producing the game (EA Electronic Arts) decided at final release to include pay to win methods for multiplayer with loot crates. This resulting in EA gaining more profit on top of the game sales and assuring players paying for loot would have a greater advantage over any other player. This gives some players a major disadvantage and stunned progression of leveling up for those players in the online aspect. It was heavily criticized at the time and it created an argument of loot crates for all games and pay to win along with gambling. Games are beginning to drop off that path or find smarter ways around it.

Eventually EA fixed the issue causing major issues with the whole game and only now in 2018 has it retributed itself. Too little to late for me.

Fallout 76 problem 

This link brings you to the google page result of the reviews for Fallout 76. A game company called "Betheseda" widely known in it's game genre as one of the greats for storytelling and massive world exploration. They need no introduction. However Fallout 76 is a game produced by them that came out this year and isn't out very long but the problems and issues with the game is massive.

Constant bugs, lack of quality and things to do in general. The graphics don't help neither. They haven't updated their engine is so long. It all went wrong for them, now although it's a popular game. It could have been so much better with time, This is Bethesda's first only online game and it will be remembered for the wrong reasons.

In general I believe I give brutal and honest opinions on things, You need to know what is done wrong and what shouldn't be done because that saves backlash and will result on how you approach creating something new forever. It is quite helpful but always do your research and views of aspects of games like online markets and DLC prices. It effects you game in a more important way as expressed. Most games are judged on them nowadays.

Helpful link in doing so