Tuesday, 18 December 2018

ALPHA - Game finished!!!!

So this 4 month journey has come to an end. This project and game frustrated me but it had it's moments. I'd like to explore Unity and other game engines abit more especially with tower defense because with the backing of a good story it can be a little bit more interesting. Not everything turned out the way it  did for me for this project but hopefully I'll experiment with it a little more in the future. 

I had major difficulties that I wanted to face on my own with 3d modelling of my characters. I attempted to do Unity and 3DSMAX but I couldn't design my characters and there wasn't any tutorials or help available because nobody has done characters for a game like this before. The characters were germs and were transparent to see the interior design also but I just couldn't get it to work and worked on it for weeks and didn't happen and I began to run out of time and decided to use the tutorial models of which I was following on Youtube to complete the project so I couldn't add my storyline because it was too difficult for me. I liked and hated this game but experience is experience and I'd like to devel into Unity a bit more but not on my own. I'd like to be part of group next time around and truly make something special with more time it would be fantastic to see the results of that. 

I love the blogging part of this journey, it was a nice change of platform to spread your content on for viewers and to get feedback on the go. I'd like to see this implemented in the future and definitely return for another project.  Besides the modelling nothing else was really an issue, the navigation of Unity was fine and the coding just like Website Design it's just time consuming to get it right. I'm just not happy with myself about this game, I would have preferred more time to think and possibly go another route with the big mishap with the modelling but that was my fault for prioritizing other stuff also leaving me with less time. 

Multimedia Development had it's moments and I wished it turned out better for me but I move on. 

Thank you for reading and being apart of my journey. 

Tuesday, 4 December 2018

Game Testing


My thoughts about this subject have always been broad. I haven't came across a situation where I gained massive amounts of feedback on something I created but rather small sections of it which helped but not in any significance enough where it was necessary to keep.

I suppose it would come differently creating a game nonetheless, especially big company games because it affects all aspects of how you present that game. Your revenue, future business deals, loss of players etc.... they are effected based on reviews of your content in the market today. Redemption isn't handed out easy in present day, As seen with massive games like "Star Wars Battlefront 2" and very recently "Fallout 76". Two games which produced poorly executed final products resulting in devastating effects.

Battlefront 2 problem

Basicially the company producing the game (EA Electronic Arts) decided at final release to include pay to win methods for multiplayer with loot crates. This resulting in EA gaining more profit on top of the game sales and assuring players paying for loot would have a greater advantage over any other player. This gives some players a major disadvantage and stunned progression of leveling up for those players in the online aspect. It was heavily criticized at the time and it created an argument of loot crates for all games and pay to win along with gambling. Games are beginning to drop off that path or find smarter ways around it.

Eventually EA fixed the issue causing major issues with the whole game and only now in 2018 has it retributed itself. Too little to late for me.

Fallout 76 problem 

This link brings you to the google page result of the reviews for Fallout 76. A game company called "Betheseda" widely known in it's game genre as one of the greats for storytelling and massive world exploration. They need no introduction. However Fallout 76 is a game produced by them that came out this year and isn't out very long but the problems and issues with the game is massive.

Constant bugs, lack of quality and things to do in general. The graphics don't help neither. They haven't updated their engine is so long. It all went wrong for them, now although it's a popular game. It could have been so much better with time, This is Bethesda's first only online game and it will be remembered for the wrong reasons.

In general I believe I give brutal and honest opinions on things, You need to know what is done wrong and what shouldn't be done because that saves backlash and will result on how you approach creating something new forever. It is quite helpful but always do your research and views of aspects of games like online markets and DLC prices. It effects you game in a more important way as expressed. Most games are judged on them nowadays.

Helpful link in doing so

Thursday, 29 November 2018

Unity Free Tutorials


I've decided for this week's unity tutorial requirements to pursue "Gabriel Aguiar's" youtube tutorials on certain aspects and additions to improve your individual game. With me, they were aspects affecting my game such as projectiles,character models and destruction affects. 

All 4 of the chosen tutorials could be essential and helpful for me towards making my game been more authentic. I do admit I was drawn in by his thumbnails of his videos as the effects and work he produces seemed impressive. 

When I watched all 4 of these tutorials, I added them to a personal playlist so I can work with them on Unity and add them to my current game. As I viewed through them today I realised as I followed there was no problem with me following the instructions but I will see how complications will come down the line when I start adding these to my game. There's a chance I might come into a problem with implementing them with objects and materials I already have in my game. I will note if this does happen. 

1st Tutorial
This was the first tutorial I was speculating before moving on but I didn't because the tutorial was indeed effective and does work. I am hoping to add a few of these affects to my turrets soon. 

2nd Tutorial
This tutorial was about the animations of objects being destroyed or shattered which I would like to implement on my enemies in my game. 

3rd Tutorial
This is similar but separate tutorial from the 1st, With my turret variation I want to add different projectile effects when I can. 
4th Tutorial
I wasn't going to add a 4th option but as I scrolled through Gabriel's upload history out of curiosity I stumbled upon a tutorial of his on sphere models which is what I am looking for my turrets. 

So after those 4 tutorials and will get to implement them this weekend I will scroll searching again to see if Gabriel has any other interesting tutorials I could add to my game.  

Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Game Stories


I absolutely 100% agree with realistic storytelling and its importance to any subject including games. I've always been a fan of realistic storytelling of any nature whether its games or movies or short stories, For me and probably a good handful of people its more satisfying to see real life consequences happen with related stories. The story arch i've been thought to follow isn't what or how i'd like to create projects, there are some that its mandatory to do but if you want to be creative you have to be different thats how it works. If you suspect to replicate someone elses work or something that has already been done then expect the same feedback.

Sure this is said alot also with storytelling and in general, I am a huge fan of movies and you always see directors talk about their influences and Scorsese is always mentioned by directors that don't have any work they've done with evidence of that. I am a huge fan of Scorsese, Tarantino among lots of others because of their screenwriting its different compared to all the other recycled stuff.

This works with games also, I've played none franchise games all my life that heavily rely on their stories and it pays off. You enjoy them and fall in love with it and it keeps you coming back to it. I agree fully with mcKee and Aristotle completely and I want to continue that mark with my creations, if it involves storytelling I want mine to be different and have people talking including myself even and open it up for more.

With the game I am currently creating however, there isn't much storytelling involved in the subject i've chosen to take even though its educational and hasn't been done before I hope in the future I can implement storytelling more.

Examples of my experience with games and great storytelling would be "Alan Wake", "Bioshock" and a whole list of others that tried something different with storytelling and had massive success.


This is a list of possibly the best storytelling games ever...


First steps guide to creating stories for you games


George Lucas and Steven Spielberg (Iconic movie storytellers) on their view of storytelling in games.

Tuesday, 20 November 2018

Week 8 Progress

Am I happy with my progress so far?

I would say I'm content with it, I do lack now and again because certain events and or assignments for that week needed more attention or something came up that affected the quality of the posts. The tutorials weren't my strong point as I got confused in the middle of doing them. I went off track and did independent stuff that only effected me and wasn't doing what everyone else was.

As mentioned with the readings the trouble I had reading some due to lack of sleep resulting in me falling asleep while trying so not that it was boring no matter the subject if I am tired, Don't read!!!
So I can say I'll always do better in this field of work and lacked commitment at the start.

Did I have a routine? 

Can't say I did no, I did it the day it was due.

Was there anything I enjoyed the most? 

Some of the readings were eye catching to do with gaming, Some I found had more relevance to this module than others and the consideration of the players, Any and all readings associated with those subjects I felt reading was enjoyable. The tutorials where more of a learning aspect rather than a fun aspect to me, That's just how I feel about it.

I didn't use the "extra credit" objectives at all as I was considering I was doing well but hopefully it doesn't come to that. If I have free time towards the end of semester I might start doing some like the last 4 weeks for example because my game might not succeed the way I would like so extra marks to help me cross the bridge when I get there.

Are there any changes I would make in the 2nd half of semester 1? 

I would make some changes at the start even so, I think if the subject was brought forward at the start and we get to choose what tutorial instead of spending the first half all doing the same thing we could have more time to be more creative towards the 2nd half with Unity, A bit of experimenting that is also beneficial towards your final product.

Overall for the 2nd half, I don't know if I would because I am coming up to the final assignment now in December so the process is set in stone and I have to deliver so I think changing the system now wouldn't benefit me.


Week 8 comments and feedback

Feedback In 

I can say I don't get many comments based off my screenshot of my last 10 posts on my blog. However the comments are mainly people's concerns or ideas about my ideas and the feedback when it arrives is always a good thing to receive. The main 2 on my GDD gave me an idea of layout as it was clear to those viewers the idea but how'd I'd implement it would be difficult. The 2D aspect suits my game based not because it sounds lazier to go 2D but it goes well with the game I'm trying to make but 3D is our field of work. Besides those 2 comments there ain't any. 

Feedback Out 

Now here is will I kick myself in the back. It's even, yes I don't give alot of feedback back too because I've found my time best suited somewhere else for a different module and that's why I lack feedback outwards. 

I'd done so twice but that's all I have done and it isn't good for me or the creator. It might be too little to late to make a difference now with feedback week but towards the end of semester 1 I will attempt to make an improvement. I try not to be harsh and be real at the same time because nobody wants negativity but I see it as improvement, I just don't know how they will see it. 

Blog comments 

as touched on earlier, comments are improvement to help your perspective from others on how they reflect to seeing your creations. I haven't received or given many therefore not much information can be processed in helping that situation but I am appreciative for any that where left and they have been helpful. I don't think it helps us that much with building a community especially with people in the course you don't know. You'd introduce yourself in a monotone matter when addressing them in the comments and because there's no emotion in commenting, it is sensed that way to me. 

Looking Forward 

I think I need too absolutely improve with impression and involvement, other modules have been getting the best of my time for good reasons anyhow so I guess I need to work on time management and be more involving for other students benefits sake also. 

I've always seen the blog comments as "extra work" that isn't necessary unless your falling behind but I began to notice over the last few weeks that they aren't and are quiet essential to do for each week. I always need improvement in one field or another especially with Unity and blog interactivity. 

If I do have the time also, I'll dig into cosmetics for my blog also to make a change for the viewer for the better.     

Week 8 Reading and Writing

Opinion on reading and writing so far for Multimedia Development: 

I like the approach, its simpler than other modules, its back to basics in a way, I never took to blogging so it's new for me. I've never had trouble writing digitally and practically, Information is information in that sense, it's always helpful to have. I've tried to stay level with the requirements of doing the blogs whether it's time or content. To document so much of the process of creating the main assignment for a module and consider it more valuable than the assignment itself. It's unusual to think in that manner, but most times the journey is better than the destination.

As mentioned, writing has never been a difficulty for me, it's enjoying to do as long as you have a subject to talk about then it never gets boring. So far I have enjoyed doing these blogs so we keep on doing so.

Favorite Reading 

My favorite reading so far would be the types of players there are and their titles. The suits of cards title was really clever and I still remember that terminology. Throughout the reading also on how those players fluctuate throughout different stages depending on mood and pov. Also on how games have adapted on it since to achieve marketing to all aspects of a type of player.

MUD was the term used for the player and that now a whole category based on MUD games exist. I don't play any that are popular as mentioned in the blog. They are mostly PC based with huge communities and constant updates. 

Are the readings helpful towards your assignment?

Some have been and some I can't remember just by the amount of sheer information that is available. It's quite difficult to process all that information and to remember it even without looking at putting it into your own words. I can't say I remember a good bit of it without looking back because every week not just with this module but others there is new information every week.

One of the readings we had to do which was weeks ago and it was a lot of reading, 50 pages nearly and I honestly didn't read it all at the time because I was tired and when I'm tired and reading I fall asleep and not many people in the world can process 50 pages of information and have the ability to maintain all of it without practice so, If I can remember it was helpful at the time, I think the subject was "history of games" which explains the depth of detail.

Have I discovered any new reading strategies? 

I've been prone to page scan now more recently to gain some sort of structure of what I will be reading and sometimes it's a subject I already know and I'll just rewrite about it in my words. So I haven't developed any new techniques but page scan has evolved into a bad habit leading me to miss information.

Am I happy with the group project? 

 Yes and no, Yes I'm happy its game orientated and that the approach is well structured for some , but as always for me learning new software dampers my progress going forward and I don't necessarily like Unity either.
No, It's a fixed subject and it can harm other people's ability of creativity.

Looking Forward 

Looking forward based on where I am now, I hope I can produce the best I can at the moment as everything is coming down on Year 2 as a whole. Double the work from 1st year so that might effect quality of content created so I hope my standard can stay above water level in a sense. I know I won't have any trouble with the blogs for future for sure. 

Sunday, 18 November 2018

Prototype/LDD beginning

This isn't a good enough introduction to my level design but I'm currently in the process of creating my models of turrets and enemies with some software called 3DS Max which lets you create 3D realistic models of pretty much anything so. They can be imported into Unity so that will be the approach I will take. 

There won't be many obstacles or structures in my maps bar the turrets and the walls that create the veins and the skin. With the colour in the background of the above image they will have a similar tone in terms of actual colour beneath the skin. 

I'm having issues certainly with creating the modules as Unity has a lack of depth in terms of creating objects and characters really I feel where as 3DS Max purpose is to create characters and objects so, in terms of detail for my turrets and bacteria that's where the problems lie due to my lack of knowledge of 3D Max so that process is happening as I type this blog. 

In terms of feedback I haven't gotten any 😭😭😭

😂😂😂 I'm okay with that I will be getting feedback soon on the matter. 

Thursday, 15 November 2018

Unity Free Tutorials

So for this week's Unity tutorial I've watched and followed the steps of Brackey's Tower Defense tutorial. I've watched and followed EP 1 - 3 in his playlist on creating the game in Unity so I will talk about each episode in paragraphs.

Whole Playlist
Episode 1

Episode 1 was an introduction to Unity and the process of making a tower defense game. Mostly it was familiarizing myself with objects in game and manipulation with them with sizes and textures and also positioning. Similiar to what was done in previous tutorials. I also learned some beneficial shortcuts for Unity in these tutorials and i'm sure I will cover more. Episode 1's end goal was creating a simple small map for the levels, I will do so similar and enlarge the maps and hopefully get to add detail further down the line.

Episode 2 

Episode 2 was based on enemy AI, Spawn points is what kicked of this tutorial so we can spawn in the enemies onto the map. We then created enemies and gave them a path via waypoints. Waypoints are directions for objects, with the right positioning on the map, multiple waypoints where created along the map to give the enemy a path. Folders called "Prefabs" were included to store all relative objects in one area. After that, code was added to the waypoints and enemies for the process of movement around the may with transforms.

Episode 3

Episode 3 is based on the spawner for the enemies units that will infiltrate the map to get from 1 target to another. I added code to the spawner to give it time sets between waves of spawners and how it can read each wave. I got confused by a problem set in this episode with splitting the timing between enemy spawns, they was different code embed involving IEnumerator with System.connections, so that essentially pauses the enemy spawn so it's spread out separate from the void code. Then the last 5 minutes of this tutorial was simply adding a timer on top of the map for game reference which doesn't concern me anyhow but yeah.

So this week the only problems I had was with the coding aspect. I simply didn't understand what some coding meant without research so once I done my research it was clarified for me. Otherwise everything is smooth for me so far.

Tuesday, 13 November 2018

Game Fun


Haha boy do I enjoy this reading! First of the saying of MUD's acting like a deck of cards will stick with me forever its clever, "The Diamonds are achievers, The Spades are explorers, Hearts are socializers and Clubs are killers". It's a cool concept to follow upon.

So this week what I took away from this reading was the more depth of information of these terms or MUD's and how it effects every game with marketing. Some games focus on 2 or less or more and some juggle all four, you see this especially with more open world games like World of Warcraft and The Witcher. Glorious games of our time with huge worlds for exploration, killing and achievement based also for your profile and your character. Most of all a storyline to back up those terms otherwise it would be a dead free for all. Socializing is a huge part in both games also with NPC's and another persons characters. 

I kinda knew about these terms already as a fan of the industry and a gamer I've grown to know these aspects of games and some use it as big selling points for a game. Throughout the years it hasn't worked for everyone these ideas mainly due to their poor execution of them and how they fail to express them throughout their game. 

I do agree on the fluctuating of these terms also involving the players. Every now and again you want to kill someone or go treasure hunting. It all boils down to mood and interest. Games that have included these features however do blossom in the industry as it keeps interaction, creativity and interest. If a game gets boring usually the content is repetitive or lacking which are the first reasons. 

The suits of all 4 types of cards are a good reminder of these types of players I really do like that concept, its really unforgettable and understandable too. 

Overall I enjoyed this week's reading into the base concept of categorizing players and which roles they prefer in a game. It influences you not to be specific at all creating a game and more so create a world even. It's a fascinating concept indeed. 


Sunday, 11 November 2018

Final Game Design Document


This process has been an lengthy but satisfying, the beginning of creating our own game is under way. 

Here you will find my dundoc link that consists of almost all the information about my upcoming game. It's still unfinished in my eyes and will conclude more information as I progress now towards creating this game. Knowing that by yourself this much information is needed and proceeded to get a foundation is quiet hard on your own to do. It can be done but I did find struggles to do but its done now and on too the fun part. 

This will be one of the better experiences to have this semester it's something fun we are creating and who knows it might become successful on a google play store if published 😃😃. Maybe I will manage the game and add addition stuff onto it and see what happens.

Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Game Decisions

As a result of this reading about Cozing attributes involving games and the consequences, actions and comforts I feel that my knowledge is widened. 
Once again I'm new to investigating aspects of the behind the scenes on games and the term cozy games have never occurred to me. I didn't think those moments, scenes, objects in all the many games I've played were categorized as cozy events needed in time for a second wind in the game. 

My notes on this week's reading would be the majority of the article given how very little I knew off this subject. The concept of this idea that certain gamers realize in the game that creations give a sense of resolve for the better and benefit you more so than effect you negatively and rewarding them for actions taken. You's mostly associate games with little difficulty to play as cozy where the settings can be manipulated to an extent where lose isn't possible and not many games evolve around that idea as many games today look to change a lot of people and explore more challenging scenarios with new and improved graphics engines in each company. 

I do however see this topic is games like city building or puzzle where lack of consequence judges your outcome.  Noticing this term with a particular game is well and is the most straight forward and probably the most compelling is in fact light and darkness. Sometimes opposites work for people. Some think darkness is calming and relaxing, but not in this case. I heavily noticed the presence of cozy with Remedy's "Alan Wake" game. "The Light Presence" is a cozy narrative and object that guides the main character throughout his story. 

Other satisfying(cozy) encounters for me where the crowd's celebration in Fifa when a goal was scored. The in game stadium would rupture with sound. Its always a good felling hearing it. 

Another popular but not by good consent is No Man's Sky. This massive game consists of player oriental discovery. Sense of infinite space and control over your actions.  

Saturday, 27 October 2018

Game Design Document


Link to my Game Design Document that I will be changing every week as I progress with my game and make final decisions. --> https://www.dundoc.com/project/4781/oboli7vfwz

Thursday, 25 October 2018

Unity Tutorial 5

Hi There

So this week I dived into "Brackey's Unity tutorial on his tower defense project. I am currently as of today on episode 7 titled "camera" which I'd assume is for the user to navigate around the map I'm yet to watch it. 

As I searched YouTube for tutorials based on tower defense on Unity, I only found 1 other reliable source and that is "InScope Studios". His approach is more like what I'd like to approach but the mechanics and information from Brackey's tutorial is still helpful. 

I haven't started InScope's tutorial yet but will indefinitely and I will look someone else for a third perspective on Unity with the same genre. May that be Vimeo or Dailymotion etc....

Each tutorial on both channels average around 10-25 minutes depending on the subject. So as of now those two tutorials and one other is where I find the influence and knowledge to implement into my final product also. 

I've learned quiet a bit with Brackey's videos so far in terms of shortcuts with commands with the keyboard and the coding involved with Visual Studio for values and movements with objects and characters.  

So over the weekend I will continue to watch both and find another view and then rewatch next week as I start to create my game for help and revision. I want a basic foundation of how this game will look with these guys and make my own changes on the way. 

Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Games GDD


This week's reading was obviously on "Accessibility" with game design. I get that factor of the workload. It was a good in depth read for a more understanding. I've only noticed these situations with any product the last 2 years as I've been creating projects it's range of audience has to reach as many as possible to give everyone a change to play without problems. 

I've always seen these settings in games. First thing I do when I open a new game is I check the settings. To configure the game I haven't played yet to my style whether it's volume of music or subtitles at most. 

I've also seen recently other players just experiment even with the accessibility, trying out other colors for icons and symbols and huds too. Sometimes other colours go better with the style of you or the game other than the designer's perspective. 

I get the responsibility for including this in our games, I will consider it for sure.   

Thursday, 18 October 2018

Unity Tutorial 3

Finished product from the tutorial 

I enjoyed creating this scene in Unity's Game Engine. To be able to implement code
to cause actions is exciting knowing you aren't just creating objects without life. That's why I am excited to create my game for my main assignment.

I've done similar work in the past although it wasn't created to move but to look like itself and that was being a clock. So in terms of modelling I knew already what is what like to create it but to add code into a game engine like this is my first time and I'm happy with the outcome.

Looking forward to the next tutorials also, I learned certain code for the movements required for the hands and also childs involving lists. I didn't know they same settings can be set to numerous objects of the previous if known as a child. Might be helpful in the future.

Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Games MDA

Having a more field of depth in terms of readying yourself and your game for consumers is the most important factor. After this weeks reading I have more width and knowledge about those factors now. Hearing and reading experienced members of game designers in their field of work talk about such thing in so much depth brings awareness and consideration towards our assignments.

I enjoyed this reading as anything about this topic doesn't bore me, Knowing what to look for to advance your knowledge about creating games is ever more helpful. I never heard of the MDA term til today. Knowing the capabilities that can be done under these 3 topics and which should be valued more with your time is essential basis for the foundation of game making.

I will try my very best to implement these factors into my game.


This link is a seperate blog based on the same topic I am currently in the process of reading also due to the even more depth of conversation based on MDA and feedback. 

Friday, 12 October 2018

Game Idea Research


I've decided to pursuit the idea of a tower defense game. I reckon most other people will pick first person shooters or adventures but I want to create something in the same category I grew up loving and that is strategy/tower defense/building game. They basic mechanics I will include is as follows; 

These are the mechanics I will like to interconnect with my game. Off course they will be manipulated to suit my end goal. 

My influence of style will be "Plants vs Zombies" in terms of look/aesthetic. It will be animated/cartoon based and off course that will be the only influence for that game. 

I would like to set a plain field of that you can place your towers anywhere and upgrade them to best suit your approach of play and the detail will be high on the attackers in terms of style and information. 

I will be following "Brackeys" youtube tutorial as off late and will try to introduce other tutorials of different perspectives on tower defense. 

That is all I have this weekend. 

Tuesday, 9 October 2018

Games Elements and Discussions

Opinion on the reading this week:

I thought that read was always necessary in my opinion. Having the world around the character seem involving and engaging and having an higher purpose is a good approach to have. I've definitely gave that some thought when I come to terms with me creating it. I don't just want to do it for visual elements but to be also interactive, to have motion and meaning to help evolve and tell that story also that I am trying to tell.

Ingredients like weather change or map movement can give emphasis on that at least, depending on your idea of the game narrows it down to your possibilities and imaginative creation. Knowing to take a step back and give everything a think of having a purpose I will note on it for further projects.

Other Articles where I found interest:

First link brought information regarding how developers remain consistency with MMO games with their methods of math and peer to peer data information. I didn't comprehend how dependent a multiplayer server can rely on an individual player's computer or device. Multiplayer games having worrying data usage and the factors that hinder the performance determines on the players based on a peer to peer server. This information can be helpful in the future if Game Development is the move forward. 

Second link brought the attention to detail about mental mind mapping for the player, What does each place contribute to your journey and how ground based the idea is. The example "Breath Of The Wild" was used and was convincingly shown how mind mapping occurs with simplicity. Placing significant structures close to towns and having biomes splitting the districts is a unique approach to have. 

Third link brings understanding on a subjective manner using an example like Assassin's Creed. Controlling the player's movements in a open world game but not limiting their options of progression onwards in the game. They'd highlight crucial places to go and kept on track with some cutscenes to provide flow and movement in 1 direction when chosen. The developer of the game gave an example of emphasis on this subject with giving the players the iconic action now of a "Leap of Faith" to gain access suddenly on a lower level on the map for fluency. 


It's an consideration to have for sure. 

Sunday, 7 October 2018

Brainstorming Game Ideas

For my first idea;

 I would like to create a narrow driven based puzzle game. A character sets out on a path to engage in activities like puzzles, riddles and mysteries regarding multiple varieties of subjects. This will be a 3D environment with layered levels and maps with as much detail as possible.

This map will have multiple terrains/biomes (Snow, Forrest, Desert, Swamp) as I will attempt to mix science with history. They will interactive with each other in the map layout and with the activities the character.  It will be as simplistic as possible in terms of design with Unity's graphic engine for my sake as I do not want to think overboard of it and it ends up being uncompleted.

The goal is to teach the user with the mysteries and puzzles of facts they may not know and possibly learn more about their character as progress continues.

Second Idea: 

 This will be a 3D environment character ventures throughout a small town sprinting between building and building to avoid killer birds. The Character is delusional when he wakes up in a small common shop. Each building will have unique tools and weapons to help this character better to understand what is going on and to defend himself. These birds are carnivorous and can kill your character when swarmed and stay away from windows.

 Birds can still be attracted to food (seeds) or other meat. Weapons will include to fend off the birds will be flare guns, flash lights, other light sources and incendiary shotgun rounds . Flash grenades and smoke grenades also include if I can. The character picks up collectibles if he chooses to remember why he's here or what his purpose is. It will only be based in a town so one open level. 

Third Idea:

This will be a 2D based game where you are a hexagon. You've been separated by your group where you belong with the other hexagons in this asymmetric world that constantly changes with you journey back to your group. You've to decide how to get home with the map having multiple pathways which not all end well and will change everything you respawn. 

There will be multiple levels each gets more difficult than the last. You will have abilities to change into different shapes to gain access to hidden safe pathways or possibly other rewards if you do come across these abilities they will be rare. As mentioned this world will change to fight against you so you journey throughout this world in all forms: upside down, backwards, downwards and there maybe events that cause you to hover and avoid objects. 

I might avoid this predicament but i might include customization to the shapes too so everyone can play differently I'm not too sure yet. 

Fourth Idea:

This will be a 2D based game also. I've blown this way out of the park 😂😂😂😂. I want to create a tower defense game based on the human skin. You're goal is to defend waves of bacteria from reaching the bloodstream and causing traumatic infections and viruses. There will be multiple types of bacteria with stronger health and speed and will cause more damage. I think this can be educational if played by kids it can help them notice and identify bacteria and what treats them. 

The defending towers will be food types and symptoms for each pacific germ/bacteria. Other towers can hurt other germs more than others. To make it interesting also every 3 rounds or so the germs will drop a tactical map if they are killed showing how they will attack every round so you can organise you towers. For example trade in 1 tower for the other and re organise them. You will be able to re place you're towers as the germs will have different routes towards the bloodstream. 

If you don't kill the germ holding the map he will surpass you and you won't know what's coming next to prepare therefore it gets chaotic. I will try a more delight approach so it will be colourful and PG friendly. 

I can honestly say I'm looking forward to this assignment. 

Tuesday, 2 October 2018

Game Design

OMG!!! That was alot of reading and harder to do when you're tired 😂. Once again this week I am amazed about the subject of conversation here. The gaming industry can be quite over saturating at times especially with the same genres been pushed every year, It's an annoyance. I haven't delved into the history of games in those times and that much detail. It's awesome how people over the years have always tried to improve and even different countries and nations competing for the better games with simpler titles.

Before today I didn't even know the term euro game existed, I thought board games where board games and where more suited and targeted for physically skilled based like Chess. To have their own category and argument to strike better teachings and learning of longer games with as even more interest and to discuss about attention span shortening as time goes on. Also simplifying the creation for the designer as they only focus on the design for the most time.

I do agree that even now times are difficult to create something that isn't influenced or parodied by something else with familiarly. Original ideas are hard to come by but aren't necessarily impossible, Even a intermediate mindset for storytelling can trigger some unknown ideas. It's experimentation and you should always expect to fail but don't work towards it. It's a process of learning even if it's generic with a big franchise name or title involved with it. Smaller indie games and independent companies do and can make "game changing" projects. 

Tips and tricks for the process of avoiding common problems with creating online platform games has helped, My approach will be more subtle, will have more heart and passion that what I was planning for it. 

Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Growth Mindset


That was educational and sadly true. Kids nowadays are deluded with praise and effects their way of thinking and engaging. I've always tried to stay focused and only take praise seriously with results but being praised for the journey you take. I didn't think it would have that bad effect on some students. Maybe even myself in the past was in that position admittedly. 

Screenshot of Youtube Video

I watched Eduardo Briceno's video which was similar and eventually was brought back to Carol Dweck's video on Growth Mindset. People in general work in two zones, "Learning and Performance". The difference once examined and vividly shown I noticed it and I'd admit I work a lot in the performance zone more than the learning. You always expected to perform to achieve results for sure but then what do you remember by it? It's fascinating. 

The Story about the Greek which to practice with loud crowds he'd argue with the ocean and put stones in his mouth to stop his lisp was funny but yet realizing his methods show signs of practicing different outcomes to learn more for his advantage was unexpected and intriguing for me.   

For me and a majority of people around the world, You do notice a decline of interest in education by students due to difficulty and other situations. I've always looked for help when it was needed and understood what I was taking head on when I signed up for it. Personally I've set my mindset to work hard this year and attempt to get an A or two but realizing now after watching those videos really has me questioning my methods. Sure they get the job done but I don't have enough time to look back on my work before I finish or start off again on something else. It's not until the end of the year that I have that opportunity unless we have feedback from the lecturers also. 

I definitely enjoyed those videos and reads, It might have changed my perspective of how I view to engage with my work I will wait and see.

Tuesday, 25 September 2018

Introduction to a year 2 student

I do not know where to begin with this blog 😄😄😄.

My Name is David Meehan Jervis, I'm currently sitting 2nd Year of Creative Digital Media.
Why so serious?

Last year was a good success and one to build on this year, I enjoyed most modules last year, more than others but everyone has their favorites and least likable. For me I enjoyed Digital Media & Video Editing, Web Development and Design modules like Design Process and Practice & Visual Creativity. Storytelling was a hidden gem although I wasn't confident in animation but that's one of the aspects I'd like to improve on indefinitely.

Future Career wise I started out wanting to be a Game Developer as my world evolved around them as a social interaction and pure joy. With many games played I wondered what behind the scenes would be like to experience within creating an game that goes worldwide with millions of fans and followers buying it and working for a big company like Rockstar or Ubisoft to feel like I want to make a difference.

In terms of what my position is now, That's still open and is a choice but my other competitive hobby is movies. Right now I would like to be a Director as I've seen so many different stories and journies that I've thought of a few original stories myself that I can use one day.  My influence would be that of Quentin Tarantino, Martin McDonagh and Martin Scorsese. All movies under those directors names I've watched and loved I'm a big fan of them.

In terms of my modules this semester, I'm enjoying them all at the moment, I've yet to have some of the labs but the lectures gave me a taste. I'm willing to dedicate to college as I have nothing else planned this year so I'm aiming for 2 or 3 A's for now and not get ahead of myself.

My Traits would be that I'm always Confident, Focused, and Determined. I've no distractions this year so I plan on staying this way throughout the year. I can work well as part of a team when I know my role clearly enough and what has to be done and that nobody else is half arsed really. By myself I feel I just as good alone. Once I know what has to be done, I do it with no delays. I just like getting work done so I can save time for something else that needs my attention.

ITB has been great craic since the start. Work load is manageable I feel because I don't work or have children or other activities to do in my spare time. Its for college for me so I try stay ahead of myself. Once college starts back my timeline is cleared and vivid. Nothing else is more important so.

Other activities I would do with time and at the appropriate time would see the latest movies in the cinema of course, HUGE MARVEL FAN!!! but I like DC also. I support Arsenal iswell in the premier league since 2008, Planning on being a Gunner for life so it definitely has it's moments XDDD. I used to play football alot a few years ago but not as much as I like too but with winter coming in now the nights get darker and college also limits my time. I used to be a fantastic goalkeeper according to my friends but I dunno I mean I definitely was good I would save most things and I loved it. Unfortunately being 5.6ft isn't always the best trait as a goalie.

TV Shows I watch iswell, just to name a few that are current would be: Arrow, Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D., The 100, The Flash, Legends Of Tomorrow, Mayans M.C., Mr.Robot. American Gods. The Sopranos, Game Of Thrones, House Of Cards, Black Mirror, Gotham, Gifted, and more.

I grew up playing games as I mentioned before I've played mostly on PC and Xbox most of my life. I did have a PS2 when I was younger but I'm Xbox now. Most recent games I plan on getting but with college they won't get as much time as they used too. Batman Arkham Series is my favorite game franchise of all time. I've played all 4 of them. the last 2 I gained 100% completion of in the campaign which was so satisfying. I ordered the "Batman: Return to Arkham" game which is the first 2 remastered on Xbox One and I'm going to do the same and just to replay them with make me smile.

I hope you injoyed this description of my life nearly.

Workshop 1

Created on Draw.io 

This is a mini diagram of how I think the process of outcomes will come with this set of traffic lights. To emphasize on this, this set of traffic lights shouldn't exist 😆😆. I don't find enough information from the original image. you have a set of 4 traffic lights facing the same direction indicating to me it's 2 for East and West and neither North and South. One direction of the conjunction is mainstream traffic meaning one road is due heavier traffic and therefore gets more attention and time of signals.

Created at draw.io

Every minute or 2 without pedestrian interference light signals have to change to balance the traffic from all directions. 

This is the second diagram explaining more about the introduction of Pedestrians. If and at every light, Pedestrians should get attention first. When and if any light trigger is pressed at any light, normally there is a delay of 30 seconds  for when signals change but with pedestrians once pressed get to cross. I don't get the full aspect of this set of lights because there isn't a full picture. They are sustainable lights but be a better situation. 

Overall I believe there should be 4 sets of 2 lights at every stop including turns. Realistically I haven't seen a formation of lights that badly thought out. Maybe I'm not seeing the big picture or something else. Unless they are zebra crossings therefore all and any pedestrians get full access to cross the road and set a lower speed limit for all four roads so no problems are accidents are caused, 

Sunday, 23 September 2018

My Favorite Game series of all time: Batman Arkham Series

Batman observing Arkham City: Source
Batman confronting Arkham Knight: Source
Batman ejecting from the batmobile in Arkham Knight: Source
Batman posing in Arkham Origins: Source

I'm new here

Hello, My name is David Jervis. I'm a year 2 Creative Digital Media Student.